Software Testing Blog

ISO 27001 Certification Announcement

Written by René Ceelen | December 1, 2020

During these times of disruption, we’re reminded of the fragile state of the global systems we use daily—economic, political, and medical.

Specifically, we’re becoming more aware of the potential threats and abuses to our data privacy. A recent PwC survey* revealed that “52 percent of tech, media, and telecom respondents rank data privacy among top three policies most impactful to their business.” 

TestMonitor takes your data privacy seriously. In fact, we’ve recently taken an additional, voluntary step to protect and secure our customer’s data: TestMonitor is now ISO 27001 certified. 

What Is ISO 27001 Certification?

Created by the International Organization for Standardization, ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard addressing information security. An effort to further protect customer data, this certification is based on an audit conducted by an external party and requires annual audits thereafter.

ISO 27001 certification enhances TestMonitor’s data protection strategy in several ways, including:

  • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements
  • Having documented policies and procedures
  • Reducing costs by preventing data breaches

Why It Matters

ISO 27001 certification says a lot about a company’s dedication to data privacy. It’s evidence that certified companies like TestMonitor have taken even more robust actions to prevent information from getting into the clutches of nefarious cyber-thieves. It means that customer data is accurate and can only be modified by authorized users. And it means TestMonitor has been independently assessed and held to a rigid international standard based on industry best practices.

According to the British Assessment Bureau, the benefits customer realize from ISO 27001 include: 

  • Increased reliability and security of systems and information
  • Improved customer and business partner confidence
  • Increased business resilience
  • Alignment with customer requirements
  • Improved management processes and integration with corporate risk strategies

Although ISO 27001 is not an obligatory requirement, TestMonitor cares about our customers’ data and the peace of mind that comes with knowing we’re taking that dedication beyond the norm—beyond minimal expectations to a new level of security. We back that commitment up with dedicated training, as well as an ironclad arsenal of safeguards. 

In addition to ISO 20071, TestMonitor is in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protocol. An EU regulation, GDPR augments data security and privacy related to personal data and applies to all organizations operating within the EU, as well as non-EU organizations with customers in the EU zone.

TestMonitor services are hosted on the TransIP private cloud platform. Sharing our strong commitment to data privacy and security, TransIP carries ISO 27001, ISO 9001, and NEN 7510 certifications. Their web servers and databases live on servers in a secure data center. This ensures the use of Linux containers and a central firewall for each website. 

The TestMonitor Advantage

We’re focused on customer-centered integrity. We believe this shows, not only in our commitment to the most robust data protection strategies, but also in our daily devotion to creating the best in world-class manual testing solutions. 

Beyond offering management tools, TestMonitor offers a one-stop testing approach incorporating every key step of the testing process. TestMonitor does it all so your team can focus on specific details that matter to you, empowering your team to monitor results over time for improvement, stability, or decline. 

Our UAT platform provides every tool you need to ensure testing success: defining requirements and risks, creating test cases, planning test runs, analyzing test results, managing related issues, and test design

To discover more ways TestMonitor is looking out for your data protection needs, check out our website.
