by René Ceelen, on December 1, 2020

During these times of disruption, we’re reminded of the fragile state of the global systems we use daily—economic, political, and medical. Specifically, we’re becoming more aware of the potential threats …

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by René Ceelen, on November 24, 2020

Management guru Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying, “You can't manage what you can't measure.” That maxim’s certainly true for UAT testing. Another way to say it would be: …

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by René Ceelen, on November 18, 2020

Launching your next-level User Acceptance Testing (UAT) project can seem daunting without the proper tools. From the start, we should understand what UAT is and what it’s not. UAT is …

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by René Ceelen, on November 12, 2020

If you’re a fan of the TestMonitor blog, you already know that we’ve previously shared the many benefits of user acceptance testing (UAT). UAT leverages the power of human end …

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by Thijs Kok, on November 5, 2020

Summary: This article delves into the landscape of automation within software testing, highlighting the advantages and limitations of automated testing tools. Table of Contents What Is Automation? Common Uses of …

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by René Ceelen, on October 29, 2020

Summary: This article details the nuances of test case design, management, and execution, offering essential tips and strategies for effective test case management, emphasizing the significance of precise instructions, attention …

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3 min

by René Ceelen, on September 8, 2020

We’ve all been there: Your team or teams are juggling several balls at the same time— implementing enterprise software, building a quality app, or working to improve the manual testing …

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by Thijs Kok, on August 28, 2020

Whether your IT team is embarking on an exciting, dynamic software project, slogging through a clunky, unclear install, or preparing to launch the next generation of awesome apps, an effective …

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by René Ceelen, on August 25, 2020

The best laid plans of software testers often derail—not because they lack team dedication, but because they lack structure. Unstructured software testing is like unstructured blueprints for a new home …

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by René Ceelen, on August 18, 2020

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) represents the “moment of truth” for any software product. Preceded by functional, system, and regression testing, UAT is the final test run your team performs before …

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