Software Testing Blog / Software Testing 101 (5)

by René Ceelen, on January 2, 2019

Summary: This article focuses on the significance of crafting informative and actionable bug reports, highlighting key elements such as clear communication, detailed descriptions, structured titles, concise steps, expected outcomes, attachment …

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by René Ceelen, on July 17, 2017

User acceptance testing is the validation that a system or application will meet user needs in the operational or business environment. An acceptance test can be understood as a way …

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by René Ceelen, on April 19, 2017

Medium sized organizations are hardly capable of controlling their IT systems, the testing of their software is too complex. Even the relative easy software that is needed to anonymize production …

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by René Ceelen, on January 17, 2017

The software development environment has shifted significantly in the recent years with the introduction of Agile and Devops. This new focus on higher speed and the shift to smaller, more …

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