Way back in 1995, Microsoft released the first iteration of Internet Explorer (IE). In 2015 Microsoft released Edge as the browser to supersede IE. Since then IE has not received major updates, or added support for many modern web standards. Microsoft recently discouraged the use of Internet Explorer as a default browser.
To allow us to continue to take advantage of modern web standards to deliver improved functionality and the best possible user experience of TestMonitor, we have decided to end support for IE11.
End of support means we will not fix bugs that are specific to IE11, and will begin to introduce features that aren’t compatible with this browser.
TestMonitor support will end on 30 September 2020.
TestMonitor should continue to be compatible with IE11 (i.e. no loss of functionality, critical IE11-related bugs will be fixed) until September 30, 2020.
We welcome any questions and feedback via Support.
Happy Testing